Bedico Trail Homes for Sale

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Kelly Waltemath Wall
Home & Builder Specialist


In the market for a newly built home, or do you want your next home custom-built to your exact specifications? Whichever your preference, we recommend a custom home builder and lot specialist who is available to serve all your home building needs – Kelly Waltemath Wall. She can assist you in your lot buying, home buying or building process, from selecting the perfect newly built home to choosing your custom lot, and house plan. Typically, Kelly has homes on the market, off the market and under construction in different stages; or she can help you build a completely custom home from scratch! We invite you and your Realtor (if you have one) to come tour Bedico Creek Preserve anytime, and if you need assistance in the building process, we have several builders we can recommend. Kelly Waltemath Wall can assist you and your Realtor to find the RIGHT lot, home and builder for YOU! Contact Kelly Waltemath Wall, Our New Home Specialist, to discuss your new home at Bedico Creek Preserve.

Contact Us Today at 985-845-1988 or E-mail Us at [email protected].

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