Unusual Events Covered by Homeowners Insurance

When you think of events covered by homeowners insurance, you think of fires, break-ins, tornadoes etc. just to name a few common losses. Most homeowners know the general things that it does cover.Nice custom home with fully landscaped yard. This home has a side entry garage.

The top property damage is by fire or weather according to the Insurance Information Institute III. There are other top claims which made the list. These include wind and hail damage, freezing pipes, and lightning.

Homeowners may not know everything that an insurance claim will cover and many are damages are surprising. Your insurance agent will know these things and can educate all policyholders on uncommon losses. They can also educate policyholders on what is not covered in a typical homeowners insurance policy such as earthquakes and flood damage.

Things that fall from the sky are covered. This can be damage from meteors or airplane parts. Homeowners surprisingly do not need a separate policy for damage from volcanic eruptions. Spoiled food, if rotted due to a power outage is covered by your homeowner’s insurance. Pet bites or attacks are also covered under a homeowner’s insurance policy. If you need to relocate during repairs after an event such as a fire, your hotel expenses can be covered.

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