Tips to Clean Stubborn Windows

No homeowner likes to take a Saturday to wash their homes’ windows but it is a chore that has to be done. Most of the time once you are finished, you see that they seem to never be completely clean. Here are some tips from the pros that can help you get them to sparkle and shine.

Get Rid of the Streaks

The trick is in the squeegee. You want to use a window-washing squeegee that has a smooth and soft rubber edge or if this is not an option, you can count on the trusty newspaper to do the trick. To use a squeegee you need to first dry the top or side of the window about an inch in and start to squeegee there. Another thing you want to do is make sure to wash windows in the shade and not in direct sunlight. If there is never shade, then choose to wash your windows on a cloudy day or in the evening.

Dusty Blinds and Midlewy Frames

If you dust your blinds to find them dusty again the next day, this is for you. In order to keep the dust at bay, spray your blinds with antiseptic spray. A good example is Static Guard. Using this on your window blinds immediately after dusting will keep them cleaner longer. When it comes to dusting your shades, you will need to do this once a month. Using a soft cloth or a Swiffer does the trick. If you do not have one of these, using a vacuum and its dusting brush will also work.

Mildew is a homeowner’s nightmare. To get rid of black or gray mildew spots on your window frame, use this cleaning solution. Take two ounces of household bleach and one ounce of laundry detergent in a quart of water and start cleaning. Remember when using this bleach-detergent solution, you should wear rubber gloves. To also keep your window sills clean, apply a coat of floor wax on them or spray them with a coat of WD-40 which will protect them as well.

Prolonging the Length of Clean Windows

If you notice that your windows seem to get dirty quickly, then you might want to think about changing your HVAC filters. Doing this once a month is the best practice because our homes today trap in a lot of dust, pollen, dander and other burdensome particles. Secondhand smoke is another problem that can shorten the life of a clean window. To clean you will need an ammonia solution that is the only thing that will cut the nicotine film. To make the solution you take one cup of lemon-scented ammonia in two and a half gallons of water.

These tips will help reduce the ever-annoying window cleaning problems. Not only do windows have these problems, but kitchen glass can also use these tips. Remember if you do this monthly you will keep a nice home with pretty windows.

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