Tag Archive for: dry neighborhood

“Thank You” for the Tremendous Job

Dear Bedico Creek HOA and Developer,

My name is Herbie and I own a home in Longview. We have lived here for almost 5 years now. This winter our area has had a tremendous amount of rainfall. Rivers have risen to the point of almost overflowing. Yet, Bedico Creek has seen basically zero street flooding despite the record rains. Two years ago when many neighborhoods very close to here had flooding in every home, we remained dry except for some minor street flooding which was addressed immediately.

I just wanted to take a minute to say “Thank You” for the tremendous job the developer and planners have done to keep our neighborhood dry. I know that it must be a major engineering effort and your efforts have not gone unnoticed.

Have a great day and hopefully we will see the sun again soon.

Sincerely, Herbie
Longview Neighborhood