Holiday Library Fun

This December, St. Tammany Parish Library will have its Annual Winter Bingo. Bingo is for all ages and will be a great way for residents to enjoy some holiday fun together.

The way it works is to sign up for Beanstack to play. Patrons have a chance to complete five badges in a row and win blackout (all badges on the card). Beanstack is available online or in the app store for phones. If you cannot do the game electronically, you can go to your local library and get a physical bingo sheet (you will still have to sign up for Beanstack.

Beanstack is a great way to get patrons motivated to read. It is a great way to hold a reading challenge by using this free online service. Started by a family who wanted to have a way to create love and passion for reading in communities around the world. Create an account then log in to the books you read for credit.

You can create an account at and you will get your first prize for just registering for the Winter Reading Challenge! Bingo prizes this year include treasure chest goodies for children, library swag for teens and special edition coloring books for adults. If you win a blackout card, you will then have a chance to register for the big prize drawings. These include a Lego set for kids, a $25 gift card for teens and a Disney puzzle for adults.

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