Growing the Perfect Lawn

The spring is the perfect time to get your lawn ready for the harsh summer heat. Many need to know how to go about lawn care, weed prevention, fertilizer, mowing practices and just any tip that can help create a beautiful yard. Louisiana Nursery gives us many examples for us to learn.

Bare-Bones Scenario

This is perfect for someone who has nothing to start off with or has a yard that is in poor health. Louisiana is known for an uneven mixture of loose dirt and packed clay which makes up the soil. If you are a new homeowner who inherited an unhealthy yard, you do not know what type of grass the previous owners used, which can be a problem. If you need to patch some areas, you might have to use a seed or grass sod that does not match the rest of the yard. If you have the means to do so, redoing the whole yard will give you the best-looking lawn.

If you want the best-looking lawn possible, you will need to start from scratch and actually remove the old sod. This can be done with a sod cutter which can be a maulan or gas-powered cutter. If you have low points in your yard once the sod is up, then fill them with river silt. Also, add topsoil and mix it in to create a healthier soil base.

Once you have added your grass by seed or sod, then add a lawn-starter fertilizer which will help with the rate of growth and the root system will be stronger. Water is also a must. You need to soak the lawn so that you can go two to three days in between.

If you choose to seed your yard, you will need to ask around or go to the professionals in your area that will tell you the best seed to plant for your climate zone. The only downfall to choosing to seed your yard is the long wait to see results. The benefit of doing it this way is that seeding takes fewer tools and a smaller budget than sodding your lawn.

Remember experts like Louisiana Nursery are a great place to start when it comes to a beautiful lawn. You can join their Garden Club which gives rewards to the members and weekly newsletters with pro tips.

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