Eco-Friendly Tips To Refinishing Hardwood Floors

Hardwood floors are a beautiful touch to your home, but they can be high maintenance. If your wood floors look worn then refinishing them can give them a whole new fresh look. Hardwood floors can be refinished without the use of products with harmful toxins. If you are worried about harmful toxins, then follow these five tips to make sure you are keeping the process healthy for home.

1. Get Your Game Plan in Place

Whether you want to change the color of stain or just bring back the original look to your dull wood floors, you need to have a plan in place before you start the job. Start by researching products to make sure the ones that you want to use are not harmful. Many companies will list all the specifications of their products on their website for you to research.

You will also want to plan what style or color you will want to use for the new look. You want to research different refinishing companies and flooring pros before choosing the right one. Once you have done this, the pros can bring in samples and give you recommendations. Many company websites have a floor visualizer tool that can help you get a digital picture of what your design will look like in your space.

2. The Finish Makes All the Difference

Research wood floor finishes because many finishes will leave behind toxic fumes for your household to breathe in. Less expensive finishes such as Swedish finishes have a high level of volatile organic compounds. These organic compounds can have huge effects on your indoor air quality. These finishes are acid-cured finishes that have formaldehyde as an ingredient that can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea and irritation to the eyes, nose and throat. Waterborne (water-based) finishes are an environmentally friendly solution for your hardwood floors.

“For me, focusing on eco-friendly products just makes sense from an environmental and health standpoint for myself and my family. Knowing I am making a good choice that benefits everyone feels good, especially because the results are just as good, if not better, from floors to paint to furniture,” says Krissy Peterson of K. Peterson Design.

3. The Right Contractor is Key

After your research, it is important to now find the right contractor for the job. When choosing a contractor, you need to hire a certified craftsmen who will  guide you through the process and deliver your game plan without shortcuts or compromises.

“The most important aspects of the refinishing process for me were minimal down time and a quality result and color. I have two you kids, so being out of our house was going to be hard. Selecting a company that I knew would do a quality job set us up for success right from the beginning,” says Peterson.

4. It’s Dustless or Bust

The dusty process of the job can also be harmful to your health. The dust particles will not only cover your furniture and electronic devices but can get in your lungs causing allergic reactions and asthma. Every job will have dust, but how you handle the dust is the important part. Make sure the contractor uses a tested dust-containment system. This system will cut down on the spread of dust in your home.

5. Keep an Eye on the Upkeep

There is still some upkeep once your floors are completed, remember to use only water-based products and cleaners. This will ensure that your home is safe for you and your pets. A light touch is all it takes to clean your hardwoods. Do not use mops or vacuums as they may cause damage. Also be sure to use cleaning products tailored to wood floors that will gently remove dusts, dirt and grime without harming the floors or leaving behind a dull residue.

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